An Origin Story - Part III

Questions for the community

Part III of three

Part I described my great leap into the Unknown and its drivers evolving from a midlife transition.

Part II based those drivers within the constraints of time, made apparent by the loss of loved ones, the changes in the health of my peers and myself, and the impatience to get to related passion projects - the study of transcendence and families coping with substance misuse.

An important part of this mission is to bring people together, to foster conversation about what matters in life, even when the topics can be difficult. I intend to maintain these conversations within a safe zone of this site, managed to promote trust (see the Guidelines of Everyday Transcendence).

I’ve fashioned a few questions to promote exchange and/or feedback. Drop me an email at if you’d like to share your thoughts, or perhaps if you’d rather, just use these questions as journaling or meditation prompts.

1) Do you think about transcendence in your everyday life?

2) Do you seek opportunities, and notice events small or large, that reach beyond the practicalities of everyday life and connect with the divine?

3) What are some of the things in your life that you can count on for transcendent joy, peace or energy?

G. Von Grossmann

An architect and urban designer reaching beyond physical space to better understand life.


Pete’s Pen


An Origin Story - Part II